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STEAM Camp 2023 K-2


As the proud principal of Caston Elementary, I am honored to be part of this rural community that nurtures and supports one another. Caston provides a family atmosphere where every student is valued and appreciated. Caston Elementary is committed to the growth of each student, meeting them where they are at. The dedicated, caring, and highly trained staff works diligently to ensure that each student makes at least a year’s worth of growth no matter the starting point. Caston promotes student leadership by practicing Covey’s 7-Habits of Highly Effective People, provides co- curricular and extra curricular opportunities for students, and focuses on building a strong foundation for future success. Caston Elementary truly embraces and believes in our motto: Big enough to do great things, and small enough to care!

I invite you to contact me if you want to learn more about our amazing school, and the opportunities it can provide to your family.

Ms. Jennifer Lukens
574-598-8000 ext. 334